This is why you must do an adequate background check, not just a simple credit check. By doing this, you would have an excellent quality of close protection service in London. Therefore, the quality of your service would be more than excellent.
Once you hire your employees, remember that it takes time for them to become proficient in their job. You can teach them how to do their job, but it takes time; their things need polishing, so they learn how to handle things, what they need from others when doing work together, etc., and then they will become adept at doing their job right. It is all about education which is why you have some skills courses that teach employees how they need to interact in a specific industry or office environment so as not to create issues within the company too early since it needs educating before anyone can start behaving in a professional manner out of the gate.
To train your employees, you need to make sure they understand the policy, the law, what is proper and what is not, as well as how to behave professionally with other staff, which includes how to dress, how they interact in certain situations, what politeness is and isn’t, etc. It takes time for them to learn those skills because if you don’t have qualified staff, then there will be issues that will arise during their tenure at your company which will lead them to do improper things – and it won’t be because of you or anyone else but because they lack the skills necessary for performing their job effectively. That’s why it takes time for employees to become trained in the job that was hired for them – you can train new employees, but there will always be room for improvement because mistakes happen even when they shouldn’t happen, such as when an employee isn’t wearing a proper uniform or when we are talking about visiting sick friends who are bedridden, and their kid must be taken care of by someone at home; we all need sleep, and yet these circumstances still cause many people problems.